Friday, December 09, 2005


Oh my god..jus take a look at these of my favourite planets as a kid..the rings and the decor..the mystery surrounding it...
the other day my naughty niece...went..Pluto is very cold..FYI she just learnt to name all the planets.. and she told me that Pluto is cold.. and she also added...Pluto is comin ! pluto is comin!!and she was laughing.... later i realized she meant that winter is comin and that its gonna be cold...thats wat she meant by Pluto is comin...she is well cracking her own jokes...

These are ten facts about Saturn
1.Saturn has the most moons in the Solar System, including Titan, a moon with an atmosphere possibly similar to Earth's billions of years ago.

2.Saturn is a slightly smaller version of Jupiter, with similar, but less distinctive, surface patterns. Its only main difference is its amazing rings.

3.Saturn's rings are believed to be the particles of a old moon orbiting the planet, smashed apart in a collision about 50 million years ago.

4.Saturn's rings orbit the planet at different tilts. Sometimes, they can appear like 'ears' sticking out of the planet. At other times, they are flat on when seen from Earth and are hardly visible. This shows how thin they can be.

5.It is believed that Saturn's rings will one day disappear. They will either disperse (spread out) into space or get sucked into the planet by its pull of gravity. This will happen in about 50 million years.

6.Despite its similarities to Jupiter, there is no great spot on Saturn, although the planet does have stormy weather.

7.Saturn is twice as far away from the Sun as Jupiter is.

8.Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. It is so big that Earth could fit into it 755 times.

9.Saturn has such a low density (meaning that its particles are far apart) that, if there was an ocean big enough, Saturn would float on it. In comparison, Earth and Mercury would sink to the bottom quickest.

10.A year on Saturn would take almost thirty Earth years.

Learn more here

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