Monday, October 09, 2006

The unsaid part 4

You oughtta read all these b4 so that you can follow unsaid part 4
Jenny then looked in to check if there was any seal on the envelope.“Nope nothing here, probably some jerk dropped it in the mailbox. Do I have a stalker?”, Jenny wondered.She couldn’t believe what she read. It was incredible. She did not know how to react, she was happy to learn that Andy was still alive,but him dumping her ,well that was news. They had been together for a very long time and now this was a thunderbolt out of a clear blue sky.Jenny awoke with a start. “ Was it just a dream?”, she wondered and scrambled and searched for the envelope. “If Andy is still alive and if he still loves me, then that will be my ideal and most beautiful Christmas gift”.

It would be almost a dream come true for her after all she had been through the past few months. The envelope was there alright and it still read the same. There was nothing new. So it was true, not a dream. “Why am I so bothered about this envelope? Probably it’s Steve or some psycho jerk playing a prank on me. I better ignore this and get some sleep”. She was still clutching the envelope in her hands as she went to get a glass of water and watched the snowfall. She lived on the 30th floor and so she could get a good view of the skyscrapers of the city. The magic of Christmas tingled a hope in her heart. Central park will now be covered in sheets of white and she missed Andy terribly now. It was midnight already and like a small kid, she looked into her stocking.“I have a surprise for you tomorrow. You can’t say no, coz I won’t let you.” Love Steve.She smiled reading it and went off to bed.
The next morning, Jenny woke up to Christmas without the usual enthusiasm. She was more like a zombie now and with the letter coming in and all she was all confused.She woke up smelling coffee. “ So Steve you are at it again?” she asked him and managed a smile.“ I know you little sneak, I know that you went through your stockings yesterday night” he mocked.“ Ya Ya right. As if you are Santa” she talked back.“Yes I am Santa Claus you know” and he started making sounds like Santa.“ Ok cough it up. What is my surprise?” jenny demanded.Steve flashed out something from behind the paper he was reading. She grabbed them from his hands and...
To be continued...


Anonymous said...


Rambler registries said...

@Bharat: Posted the next one today. I don't know if its worth reading. Its just another story dude!