Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Angels on the Streets

Today it was all in the heavens when I started out for work in the morning and Believe me when I say..I saw an angel today!Dont know for what good reason...they are digging up the middle of the roads where I live and putting metal planks on the road. Don't ask me why, I believe that its for something useful..thats what i say to console myself and the morning commute its really annoying and very adventurous you have to maneuver and steeryour way through the narrow road without hitting those orange cones or the curb on the other side or the cops standing just about everywhere! Man...what all you have to do to get to work!! Everyday is an endless journey filled with something exciting and new. Ok enough of rambling..let me get to the topic on hand. Today at one of the lights I saw a guy dressed up as an angel..he did not have wings thoughbut had the halo behind him..tied up in some way and he kept stopping and flapping his imaginary wings and it was so funny and gave me this thought what if angels were really visible to us and just were on the streets like any other person on this planet?If God really decides to do that... What would happen?
I remember the movie Angels in the outfield. Was about a kid who could see angels and helped the baseball team! Its a gift ain't it to see angels? And of course my all time fav...City of Angels...Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage and i don't remember the name of the movie but there was one where a kid is assigned an angel or somthing and they go on a plane..the angel is played by a French actor. That too was a cute movie!I don't know what I would ask the angel if ever I see one..but am sure I would wanna fly atleast for once!

What would you ask for if you ever see an angel?


Anonymous said...

A very beautifully written article highlighting the musing's of the mind.. It really made me wonder about the unconscious spiritual side lost in the constant din of the conscious everyday drudgery

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what would you ask if the angel ever shows up? There is this one time when one of my frnds asked me, what I would do given a million dollars? They are petty questions, but definitely the real answer that our consiciousness knows is always 'interesting' or may be sometimes keeps us thinking to ask the right wish probably!

Rambler registries said...

@DR: Yes it definitely makes you wonder out loud! The mundane routine snatches away all your imagination and leaves you drained!

@bharat: The interesting answers and the ones you really long know they wont come true but then again you want to be sure of the answer ..what if it comes true after all? You can always wish for nice things right?!

Anonymous said...

eeeh...I keep a 'list' in my pocket just in case!:)